Mastering Competitive Programming: A Guide to Basic and Intermediate TechniquesCompetitive programming is a great way to hone your problem-solving skills and improve your coding efficiency. For freshers, it’s important…Oct 9, 2024Oct 9, 2024
L-Shaped Plots Kickstart ProblemTask:- Given a matrix of ‘R’ rows and ‘C’ columns with every element either 1 or 0, we have to find the different number of valid L-shaped…Nov 20, 2022Nov 20, 2022
Curling Kickstart ProblemTask:- Given the Radius of the house(Rh), Radius of stones(Rs), No of stones by team Red & Yellow( N & M), and the coordinates of each…Nov 5, 2022Nov 5, 2022
Climbing Stairs LeetCode ProblemTask:- Find the number of ways you can climb the staircase of N stairs if you can take either 1 step or 2 steps at-a-time.Oct 6, 2022Oct 6, 2022
3D Surface Area HackerRank ProblemTask:- Given a matrix of ‘m’ rows and ’n’ columns, each describing the height of the bar at that block, find the surface area of the…Nov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021
Substrings with single characterTask:- Given a string, find the number of substrings in which all the characters are the same.Oct 7, 2021Oct 7, 2021
Frequency of Maximum Value HackerRank Problem:-The question was appeared in coding test of one of the company on HackerRank.Jul 8, 2021Jul 8, 2021
Max Min HackerRank ProblemTask:- Given an array of integers and value ‘k’. Calculate the minimum unfairness value possible with an array of ‘k’ elements from the…May 4, 20211May 4, 20211
Pairs HackerRank ProblemTask:- Given an array ‘arr’ and an integer ‘k’. Find the number of pairs whose difference is equal to value k.May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
Sherlock and the Valid String HackerRank ProblemTask:- Given a string s, check whether string can be converted to a valid string or not by deleting at the most once character.May 3, 2021May 3, 2021